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Skin Anatomy and Physiology

1 day 

online theory

online pre-learning

2-4 attendees

certificate of completion



Theory - live online, via Zoom



Beginner - Self Paced (pre-learning course)

Intermediate - 8 hours 



Soft copy (PDF) certificate of completion provided upon passing both theoretical assessment.

Understanding skin anatomy and physiology is essential before delving into dermal treatments.


The skin, possesses intricate structures and functions that directly influence how treatments interact and affect it.


A deep knowledge ensures practitioners can make informed decisions, anticipate the skin's response, and optimise treatment outcomes. Without this knowledge we risk, suboptimal or even adverse results.


This is why we believe, mastering skin anatomy and physiology is imperative for the safety and success of any therapist.




  • Training manual

  • Skin Consultation Forms

  • On-going support



This course is a foundational course and has no pre requisite requirements.​

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